Apple started drifting away from a focus on functionality and features, and has honed in entirely on glitz, glam, and sex appeal with the iPod touch. The MacBook Air is yet another Apple product that sacrifices functionality for a pretty design. What is the point of having a pretty little box, or a beautiful touch screen display, when it doesn't do what you need it to? At 1800 bones this machine has got to be able to function as your one and only computer, but with only 80 gigs, and no optical drive you're going to find yourself shelling out hundreds more on essential computing ad-ons pushing the price to somewhere around $2300. This just isn't practical when the MacBook and MacBook Pro are in the picture. Especially considering the MacBook pro starts at 2 grand, and is still a very compact computer.
The iPod touch suffers from this same flaw. No matter how cool the screen is, no matter how fun the multi-touch user interface is, only tech geeks are going to be willing to spend 400 bucks on 16GB. If Apple doesn't shape up quickly and make products that (god forbid) are maybe a little less sexy, but maintain the great user interface and have respectable specs at a decent price, the future of Apple will not be so bright.
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