Friday, April 4, 2008

McCain: I Was Wrong

I read the Huffington Post daily. It's a valuable source of information, but it often makes me very frustrated. It has reduced much of its content to partisan bickering, which distracts from real issues, and makes intellectual discourse very difficult. I know that the republicans have been doing this for years and democrats didn't respond, so now dems feel entitled to play nasty. But I don't think it does us any favors. The embedded video below was on HuffPost today with the headline "WATCH: McCain Booed during Martin Luther King Speech". This is true, you can see it when you watch the video. But when I watch this video that's not what sticks out. During his speech he acknowledged to a largely black crowd that he voted against making MLK's birthday a national holiday. He admitted that he was wrong, and it was MLK's virtue that he understood that people could be slow to coming to the right decisions. It is those kinds of moments of honesty from politicians that should give people a reason to respect them. McCain is not the best candidate to become the next president, but that's because of important and real issues, not a tough crowd at one of his speeches.


Sara Christine said...

Really interesting article in a recent New Yorker about the death of the newspaper. It makes its way through media studies, politics, sociology...and talks at length about the Huffington Post. I had never visited the site until I read the article, but I agree. It sucks.

Anyway, thought you might be interested:

Kaitlyn said...
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