Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Olbermann Sometimes You Suck

This Olbermann clip is really frustrating, why can't he point out the blatantly obvious?

1. It is different when Stewart tells a joke that incorporates the names Hussein, Obama, Hussein and Hitler than if Coulter were to do the same for a number of reasons. The most important is the actual subject of the joke. There's no problem with pointing out the obvious similarities of Obama's name to Sadaam Hussein and Osama. Stewart said that Barack has accomplished a lot by overcoming that obstacle. It wasn't just random association with the name in an attempt to confuse people which is which or to associate their beliefs with one another which is what Fox news and Mitt Romney repeatedly did. So no, Olbermann, you are wrong, there is absolutely no problem with Stewart's joke.

2. Fred Armisen's "Fauxbama" performance was visually almost perfect. The dialogue and body language is another question, but it was in no way absolutely necessary to have Obama played by an African American, Armisen pulled it off really well.

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