Wednesday, February 6, 2008

super duper

I dont know why I haven't written anything about Super Tuesday yet. I mean, I am pretty pumped at how well Obama did, but I can only maintain a level of suspense and anticipation for so long. I just want him to take Hill out already. After surviving tuesday, he's in a pretty good position though, considering how much more money he's got to spend on ads than Hill does at this point. Considering where they each started from before their campaigns, he is royally kicking her ass, which just goes to show you that his message is winning. And that means that the only reason he isn't completely dominating is because he can only reach so many people at a time, and that ultimately, among the people who are somewhat informed about this election Obama is the clear winner, and Hillary is the winner among those who aren't paying any attention, and the few hard core democrats who will do whatever they can to piss of the GOP. Hillary is the new Bush.... let's hope the message reaches enough people.

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