Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Why It's OK to have Republicans for Obama

Why do many Republicans like Obama? He's got to be politically center if Republicans like him right? For some reason when polled people identify him as being left of Hillary, but Republicans despise her, so what's going on? Can I still like Obama despite the fact that Republicans do?

In terms of stated policy, Obama and Hillary are nearly identical. The two major policies that they differ on are Lobbyist/PAC money and whether or not to mandate health insurance in their universal health care plans. Lobbyist influence in Washington is the corrupting force that prevents our government from representing the people. This is (finally!!!) a no brainer issue that Republicans and Democrats can unite on. Democrats can agree on this without losing any liberal cred, so no worries.

What is truly fascinating is that Republicans are coming to the candidate, whose only criticism from Nader was essentially that he's not substantive enough in his speeches and therefor doing a disservice to the ideas that they stand for... yes they. Obama is making it possible for Republicans to find common ground with the someone as left as Ralph. If I had a large readership, I would never be writing this out of fear that it would scare away Obama's conservative supporters.... but I don't!

The last reason why so many Reps are sympathetic to Barack is that he is a genuine alpha dog, and Reps love them some alpha dogs. No matter what Kerry's policies were, they could never in a million years support him, which is too bad because his thoughtfulness is what makes him a great man. To many of the GOP though, if you come off as looking like you consider another perspective on an issue, you are weak, indecisive and incapable. Obama manages to be thoughtful, but always confident, and always "sticking to his gut". Dems, it's OK to have the cool kid be president. This cool kid would stick up for the Chess team if need be.

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