Friday, February 22, 2008


Whoever said Barack couldn't do well in Texas is about to eat their words. At the debate last night the crowd was clearly pro Hillary and Barack, but only Hillary was able to summon boos from the crowd that is supposed to be her savior in this election. She did have a very strong debate in my opinion though. I was very impressed with her passion about health care. That was another very genuine moment coming from the woman who continually struggles to be just that. I had another one of those moments last night watching the debate, where I realized how lucky democrats, and America are this 2008 election.

Obama is constantly being questioned for his ability to stand up to political attack machines. Last night he did just that. When Hillary came after him about his health care plan, accusing him of wanting to leave 15 million uninsured, he came back loud and clear. Both of them are offering plans they think will best insure everyone, and they have fundamentally different opinions on how that goal should be accomlished. To accuse someone of having a different goal, or desiring to leave 15 million uninsured based on differing opinions on how that goal should be accomplished is misleading, and a form of politics that should not be tolerated. Obama fared very well for himself against such attacks, and repeatedly took the high road without letting these attacks go unchallenged. While I respect both, the differences between these two candidates are profound.

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